How to Write Monthly Giving Appeals

January 18, 2024 | Categories Featured, Monthly Giving

As a consumer, there are some things I enjoy having as a subscription service. I rely on subscriptions for things that are particularly important so I don’t accidentally forget them when life gets busy. My dog never runs out of food, my prescriptions hit my mailbox just before I need them, and I even have a quarterly box of little treats that I file under “vital self-care” in my budget. 

As a current donor and volunteer fundraiser, I feel the same way about monthly giving. While I don’t have the means to make a major gift yet, I still express my joy and live out my values through my philanthropy. And when I get my receipts each year, I’m surprised by how much I’ve been able to give to the causes I care most about, even though my budget feels modest. I’d have to plan around a one-time $300 donation, but $25 per month? I can do that comfortably!

Do your donors know that they can give your nonprofit sustainable, generous support without needing to rearrange their budgets? If not, make it clear in your next appeal! Your donors care about your shared mission and will be inspired by opportunities to make an even bigger difference than they already do, especially if you make it feel easy. 

Here are three tips to consider if you want to convert one-time donors to monthly givers with your next appeal. 

This might feel a little counterintuitive, especially if you think of stewardship as the end of the donation process. But if you give your readers a little taste of the appreciation and sense of pride that comes with being one of your recurring donors, they’ll be excited to join your community. Here’s an example from an imaginary nonprofit, Coral Acres Animal Rescue:

“We’re so grateful for our generous community of monthly donors! In the past year alone, monthly donors helped us:

  1. Match 500 dogs to their forever homes
  2. Establish a trap-neuter-return and vaccination program for local feral cat colonies
  3. Upgrade our terrarium and gear for the lizards and amphibians in our care

Join us with your monthly gift today, and imagine how much more we can accomplish with your help in the year to come.”

Adding photos or other examples of donor impact shows that you appreciate your monthly givers and that you follow through on your promises with how you’ll spend philanthropic dollars.