Building an Action Plan for Enrollment and Revenue Success at the SEP Forum

Are your enrollment planning efforts more reactive than proactive? If your mind just jumped to planning for the demographic cliff as a key element of your plan, then you’re likely more on the reactive side. Does your current enrollment plan include innovative approaches to diversifying revenue streams to ease the pressure on traditional enrollment? Is your campus integrating innovations becoming possible through artificial intelligence tools?

If you can’t answer the last two questions with a hearty “YES!” and enrollment efforts tend toward the reactive, then you should consider investing two days at RNL’s Strategic Enrollment Planning Executive Forum (April 10-11, Las Vegas). Build the foundation for long-term enrollment and fiscal success at your institution by investing two days framing strategies and building the plan to plan, forming the core of your institution’s strategic enrollment plan.

Building a foundation for strategic enrollment planning in two days

Strategic enrollment planning is a data-informed process that aligns your institution’s fiscal, academic, co-curricular, and enrollment resources with its changing environment to accomplish your institution’s mission and ensure its long-term enrollment success and fiscal health.

Because this is a serious and significant undertaking, it’s important to generate momentum early and get a strong start on setting the scope, objectives, responsibilities, and measures of success. That’s why the Strategic Enrollment Planning Forum begins by creating a framework of a plan that you can take back to your institution. You will work on foundational strategic steps that include:

  • Identifying key performance indicators.
  • Articulating your overarching scope and limits.
  • Working on an implementation schedule with action steps, owners, and dates.
  • Calculating enrollment impact.
  • Working through budget detail and revenue expenses.

Developing actionable strategies for enrollment and revenue diversification

The Forum includes breakouts around key strategic areas, sharing best practices, and providing time and space for you to begin to develop strategies within each area:

  • Marketing and recruitment
  • Student financial aid and scholarships
  • Student success and engagement
  • Academic program planning
  • Advancement and venture philanthropy

Updating our book to reflect the significant changes in the enrollment landscape

SEP is complex enough that you could fill a book to guide folks through the process…which we did when we published the first edition ofStrategic Enrollment Planning: A Dynamic Collaborationin 2012. A second edition followed in 2016, but given the substantial changes in higher ed over the last eight years, we knew a new edition was needed. I worked with a dozen campus and RNL expertsto create a third edition of the book, and all Forum attendees will receive a free copy.

Sharing high level, candid insights with other campus leaders and generating momentum with your team

Discussion and interaction are also a major part of the event. As you can see from the agenda, we will cover a variety of key topics about the higher education environment, examine major parts of the SEP process, and conduct working sessions. This is an ideal opportunity for you and your team to not only interact with SEP experts, enrollment leaders, and advancement leaders from other campuses, but also spur conversations with each other that can build momentum for change.

A history of enrollment and revenue success

This event has catapulted many, many campuses to long-term, sustained success. Because they leave with the beginnings of a working plan, they return home with momentum and direction for moving forward with a strategic enrollment plan. Institutions have:

  • Achieved record-breaking enrollments.
  • Boosted student outcomes.
  • Generated millions of dollars in additional revenue.
  • Supported crucial goals such as increased student diversity and greater operational efficiency.

With the addition of looking at revenue diversification and breakouts on advancement, we will help Forum participants understand all the ways they generate the revenue needed to sustain their success.

Take a big step toward your enrollment future and attend the Strategic Enrollment Planning Executive Forum

See the agenda and register for the Forum today, and bring your leadership team to help spur discussion, action, and results. I think you will be hard pressed to find an event that equips you with more actionable steps to propel your institution forward.

2024 SEP Executive Forum
Learn more and register.


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