31 Free and Affordable Nonprofit Software Solutions for 2024

This image shows three people looking at a laptop and having a discussion, representing the importance of being thoughtful when choosing nonprofit software to invest in.

These days, charitable organizations use a wide variety of nonprofit software tools to expand their fundraising efforts, track donor data, and access automated reports. According to the 2023 Nonprofit Tech for Good Report, 67% of nonprofits use a CRM to manage donor data and 15% use AI tools to find new donor prospects.

As a nonprofit professional, you’re always focused on finding ways to maximize revenue and minimize expenses for your organization. But your nonprofit software doesn’t have to account for a huge part of your budget. There are plenty of free and affordable tools that are highly effective for managing online fundraising.

In this post, we’ll share our favorite free and affordable nonprofit software options for organizations on a budget. We’re going to highlight nonprofit software solutions for the following categories: 

Our only caveat? There’s no such thing as free software. We’ll make sure you know about any fees or limitations you may incur by using the free versions of these software options. Let’s dive in!



  • How this nonprofit software works: Bloomerang offers donor management and donation software that helps nonprofits organize their donor records and optimize donor engagement with tracking and reporting. Bloomerang’s pricing scales as your organization’s records grow, making the solution accessible to nonprofits at all levels. 
  • How you can use it: Bloomerang allows you to ditch the spreadsheets and unlock your engagement potential with gift tracking, wealth screening, and smart reporting. With Bloomerang, you can automatically screen your donor database for top prospects and personalize donor outreach based on accurate, updated data. Plus, Bloomerang seamlessly integrates with a variety of additional nonprofit software tools so that you can easily transfer data across platforms. The platform also allows you to add additional features and functionality as you need them. 
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Bloomerang’s small nonprofit plan, Bloomerang Grow, is just $79 per month. Bloomerang is committed to transparent pricing; contact the team with any questions.

Strengthen support for your mission with a better giving experience. Schedule a Bloomerang demo.

Join It

  • How this free nonprofit software works: Join It is a membership software that gives you a landing space to organize all your contacts and donors. With an intuitive and readable interface, you can seamlessly view each member’s details so you know just how to connect.
  • How you can use it: Join It offers several ways to segment your members, as well as membership management features that allow you to collect donations and automate reminders. With Join It, you’ll ensure your donors are nurtured with no added stress for you.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Join It offers a free trial and a 10% discount for nonprofits.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: Golden is a volunteer management software that allows you to organize, recruit, and track your nonprofit’s volunteer force. With Golden, you can mobilize your network to help accomplish your goals.
  • How you can use it: With Golden, you can run background checks, collect signups, and measure the influence of your volunteers automatically.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Golden’s free volunteer management plan allows you to start scheduling, tracking, and programming instantly through a simple sign-up process.


  • How this nonprofit software works: Salesforce is a CRM software that allows you to organize and communicate with your donors and contacts. Salesforce also provides you with the marketing tools to place your message in the hands of those most likely to support you.
  • How you can use it: With Salesforce, you can automatically organize your contacts, segment your audience for targeted communication, and track your data to optimize your donation campaigns.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Through the Power of Us Program, eligible nonprofits get ten free subscriptions to Salesforce’s nonprofit package and discounts on other products.

Google Sheets

  • How this free nonprofit software works: Google Sheets is similar to your standard Excel spreadsheet, where you can create rows and columns for the donor information that’s important to you.
  • How you can use it: While Google Sheets is a useful database tool, it doesn’t have CRM or donor management software features. The upside is that all of its functions are free to use with your Google account.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: It’s genuinely free, but you limit yourself to simple data collection. Compare spreadsheets to a robust donor management platform like Bloomerang.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: JotForm is an online application that allows you to create custom online forms. Its incredibly intuitive user interface allows you to drag and drop the building blocks of the form you need.
  • How you can use it: JotForm provides you with the tools to improve the volunteer and donor experience with signups, registrations, and surveys.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: JotForm’s free online forms plan limits your access to only five forms and 100 submissions per month. JotForm also offers a 50% discount on paid plans if you decide you want to upgrade.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: SignUpGenius has become a household name in the volunteer and event organization world. With SignUpGenius’s intuitive software, you can make sure you have the information you need for your next event, fundraiser, or volunteer opportunity.
  • How you can use it: Like JotForm, SignUpGenius allows you to collect and organize the information critical to your nonprofit’s outreach and mission.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: SignUpGenius offers a lot with its free form building plan, including unlimited signup pages and an individual URL for each published signup. However, you will get a limited amount of administrators, fewer customizations, and ads attached to your forms.

Google Workspace

  • How this free nonprofit software works: Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Meet—Google Workspace is a collection of Google productivity tools that help your team collaborate efficiently.
  • How you can use it: Use Google Workspace tools to stay connected with your team, especially in today’s remote workforce. Collaborate on grant applications or annual reports using Google Docs. Schedule a virtual meeting using Google Calendar and Google Meet. Even collect volunteer registrations using Google Forms.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: With Google Workspace for nonprofits, you can have up to 100 participant video meetings and 30 GB of cloud storage per user for free. You can also upgrade to paid plans at up to a 79% discounted rate.

DropBox Sign

  • How this free nonprofit software works: DropBox Sign provides an easy way to send, receive, and manage legally binding electronic signatures—all online.
  • How you can use it: With all the volunteers, contractors, corporate partners, and other stakeholders you work with, DropBox Sign makes the administrative work easy so you don’t miss a beat on your fundraising campaigns, volunteer programs, or events.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: The free plan offers limited features, so you’ll likely have to invest in a paid plan to make full use of the platform. We recommend using their 30-day free trial to further evaluate your return on investment in the tool.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: Asana is project management software that allows you to manage your team’s work, projects, and tasks online and in one place.
  • How you can use it: Use Asana to collaborate with your team and keep track of your projects and programs. Add your staff, board members, regular volunteers, and more to make sure all your stakeholders are collaborating efficiently.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: With Asana’s free plan, you can add up to 15 teammates. You can get any of their paid plans at a 50% discounted rate with Asana’s nonprofit pricing.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: Trello is productivity software that allows you to create boards, lists, and cards to manage projects and organize tasks in one central location. Trello is a great choice for project management if you like the Kanban project management method.
  • How you can use it: With Trello, you can better organize your team’s work with features like task assignments, timelines, productivity metrics, and calendars. This helps you stay on the same page with all of your nonprofit stakeholders, from full-time staff to volunteers and board members.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Trello is free with up to 10 boards. You’ll have limitations on features like power-ups and automation with the free plan. You can get a paid plan at a discounted rate with the Trello nonprofit discount.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: Dropbox is a cloud-based file-sharing platform that allows you to store and share photos, documents, and other files.
  • How you can use it: If you’re still storing your files directly on your computer, it’s time to consider a secure, cloud-based storage system. Use Dropbox to keep your files safe, secure, and shareable with your collaborators.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Dropbox Basic provides up to 2 GB of storage at no cost. There is a Dropbox nonprofit discount available for paid versions of Dropbox and Dropbox Paper through TechSoup.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: Slack is a workplace communication tool that keeps your inbox clean and gives you controls to limit the messages you receive outside of your work hours.
  • How you can use it: Use Slack to streamline communication with your organization’s collaborators. Create channels, use direct messages, and video chat to make it easier for your stakeholders to collaborate on programs, upcoming events, fundraising campaigns, and more.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: With Slack’s free plan, you can have as many channels as you want, but you will have limitations on how many messages you can search for and how many integrations you use. Depending on your organization’s size, you can also upgrade at a discounted rate with Slack’s nonprofit discount.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: Qgiv is a platform that allows you to accept donations online and in person. With Qgiv, you can easily set up a donation page and begin receiving donations from anywhere.
  • How you can use it: Qgiv allows you to set fundraising goals and stylized progress thermometers so your donors can keep track of your goals. Additionally, these can be easily branded and pasted on your website or newsletter to keep your network updated on your progress.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: The free version of Qgiv has a processing fee of 3.95% + $0.30 per transaction.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: GivingFuel is a fundraising and donation platform that allows your nonprofit to customize a donation page, manage recurring donations, and digitally share your fundraising links with your network.
  • How you can use it: GivingFuel allows you to solicit and track your donations so that you can plan for your nonprofit’s maximum impact.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: GivingFuel’s free version has a 4.99% fee per donation.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: PayPal is an online e-commerce and payment processing software that allows you to send and receive money securely within your network. With PayPal, your donors can rest assured their donations will be safely processed by a company trusted by nonprofits and businesses alike.
  • How you can use it: PayPal allows you to integrate donations right into your website and receive in-person transactions on the fly. Additionally, PayPal allows your donors to set up recurring payments so you know who you can count on for sustained support.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: PayPal’s discounted nonprofit rate is 1.99% + $0.49 per domestic transaction.


  • How this fundraising software works: DonorSearch is a prospect screening service that provides insights into the giving potential of your current and future donors.
  • How you can use it: With DonorSearch’s data, you can make confident and informed fundraising asks to the right donors at the right time.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: DSGiving is a free prospect research tool provided by DonorSearch. You can search by name or business to see all of their charitable and political gifts.


  • How this fundraising software works: CauseVox is a digital fundraising solution that allows your nonprofit to collect online and in-person donations seamlessly. CauseVox prides itself on its intuitive interface, which will enable you to start fundraising with minimal effort.
  • How you can use it: Add features like donation forms, campaign pages, and donation buttons to your website or web campaigns so your donors know exactly where to go to support your mission.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: CauseVox’s free plan limits the users and features you have access to; however, regardless of your plan, there is a standard 2.2% + $0.30 per donation processing fee.

GoFundMe Charity

  • How this free fundraising software works: GoFundMe Charity allows your nonprofit to raise money for your mission and inspire peer-to-peer fundraising among your supporters. You can reach many potential new supporters with the help of GoFundMe’s wide-reaching crowdfunding platform.
  • How you can use it: With GoFundMe Charity, you can easily create fundraising pages and campaigns so that your donors know where to go to contribute to your mission.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: It’s free to start a fundraiser on GoFundMe, but the platform has a 3% platform fee on top of ta transaction fee of 2.2% + $0.30 per donation. GoFundMe Charity does offer your donors the opportunity to cover these fees with their donation, so you could receive the full amount.


  • How this free fundraising software works: Bonfire is a merchandise fundraising platform that allows you to raise money by creating and selling custom t-shirts.
  • How you can use it: Bonfire provides you with all the design templates, tools, and resources to make t-shirts that fundraise now and continue marketing afterward. Additionally, Bonfire gives you the infrastructure to set up an online store, so that those interested in your mission have a safe place to donate.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Bonfire is free to use; however, there is a 3.5% processing fee for nonprofits.

Google AdWords

  • How this free nonprofit software works: Google AdWords is an online advertising tool for Google.
  • How you can use it: With Google AdWords, you can leverage search engine marketing to drive awareness of your mission, increase online donations, get more volunteers, or connect the right people with the services you provide.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: The Google Ad Grant provides your nonprofit with up to $10,000 of free advertising per month. You’ll also want to consider the skills necessary to set up your advertising campaigns. If you don’t have a team member with Google AdWords experience, you can have someone get certified in Google Ad Grants. Alternatively, you could find pro-bono Google Ad Grant consulting or invest in a digital marketing agency that specializes in Google Ad Grant management.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: You may know Mailchimp as one of the best email marketing providers for nonprofits, but Mailchimp also has other marketing features like CRM, website building, and A/B testing.
  • How you can use it: Mailchimp is an effective marketing platform for small nonprofits to send emails, build your website, and keep your contact data organized—ideally with the help of a nonprofit CRM.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Mailchimp offers a one-month free trial and a 15% discount for nonprofits and charities.

Constant Contact

  • How this free nonprofit software works: Constant Contact is a popular email marketing provider that offers other marketing solutions like eCommerce, website building, and social marketing.
  • How you can use it: You can use Constant Contact to sell your products and merchandise, run your advertising campaigns, and send segmented email campaigns. We recommend Constant Contact for its unique marketing consulting features.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: You can save up to 30% with Constant Contact nonprofit pricing. You can access a 60-day free trial before paying for their most affordable plan at $12/month before the nonprofit discount.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: WooCommerce is an e-commerce platform designed specifically for WordPress.
  • How you can use it: If your website is hosted by WordPress, get the WooCommerce plugin to create your online store. Sell your products, merchandise, or adoption/sponsorship support opportunities directly on your website.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: WooCommerce is free, but you’ll need a WordPress account to use it. That means even if you have a free WordPress plan, you’ll still have to pay hosting and domain fees to access WooCommerce.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: Buffer is a social media planning platform that allows you to schedule your posts, analyze campaigns, and engage with your followers.
  • How you can use it: Let your social media run itself with Buffer’s social media automation tools. Plus, easily see engagement opportunities with your followers.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Buffer offers a limited free plan that allows you to have up to three social channels, ten scheduled posts, and one user. Nonprofits can also claim the Buffer 50% nonprofit discount for their paid plans.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: Canva is a graphic design tool that’s easy for anyone to use with their library of templates, graphs, photo editing tools, and stock illustrations.
  • How you can use it: Can’t afford a graphic designer? Use Canva to create your social media posts, annual reports, advertising assets, website images, and more.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Canva nonprofit pricing gives you access to their premium features for up to fifty users, but you will still have to pay for some premium elements.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: YouTube is one of the world’s leading video content platforms, powered by Google. You can take advantage of the YouTube Nonprofit Program to unlock nonprofit-specific features.
  • How you can use it: Share your nonprofit’s story by hosting your videos on YouTube. With the YouTube Nonprofit Program, you’ll have access to exclusive giving features, nonprofit lessons through Creator Academy, and YouTube’s global creator studio for shooting or editing videos.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: It really is free.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: Facebook is one of the world’s leading social media networks.
  • How you can use it: Try Facebook’s fundraising tools to include a donate button on your Facebook page and empower your supporters’ crowdfunding efforts.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Facebook is free to use.



  • How this free nonprofit software works: One of the world leaders in online ticketing, Eventbrite allows you to create event registration pages and collect tickets from your supporters for in-person and virtual events.
  • How you can use it: Create a landing page for your networking, fundraising, volunteer appreciation, or any other kind of event. With the Zoom integration, Eventbrite can also function as your virtual event platform.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Eventbrite is free for events with up to 25 tickets. After that, you’ll have to use a paid plan starting at $9.99 per event.

Ticket Tailor

  • How this free nonprofit software works: Ticket Tailor is an online ticketing service that makes it easy to manage your events.
  • How you can use it: Collect tickets, check in your attendees, and generate additional donations with Ticket Tailor’s optional attendee donation feature.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Ticket Tailor is free for free events. For paid tickets, you’ll pay between $0.26 and $0.65 per ticket plus a 20% nonprofit discount.


  • How this free nonprofit software works: Zoom offers video conferencing software for remote team meetings, virtual events, and live webinars. Zoom can power the video conferencing and streaming you need to keep your organization moving, even at times when you’re working remotely.
  • How you can use it: Stay connected with your team even when you’re remote. Keep your supporters engaged with live events and webinars.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: Zoom Basic is available for free for up to 100 participants, 40-minute group meetings, and unlimited one-on-one meetings. You can also access a Zoom nonprofit discount through TechSoup.

Google Meet

  • How this free nonprofit software works: Google Meet is a Google Workspace product that provides secure video conferencing for your team.
  • How you can use it: If you use G-Suite, Google Meet is a great way to stay connected with your remote team members, board of directors, and supporters.
  • Hidden fees or limitations: With Google Workspace for Nonprofits, Google Meet is included free for up to 100 participant video meetings.

Bonus: Our tips for building your nonprofit software suite on a budget

Keep these tips in mind when considering which free (or paid) software solutions to add to your nonprofit toolkit: 

  1. Review your budget to make smart investments. We know money is tight, but sometimes investing in the right paid software is worth it. Paid solutions tend to offer more robust features that enable nonprofits to scale up their online fundraising. When you make the most of your software and use it to expand your fundraising efforts, you can recoup the cost of your investment. 
  2. Ensure your tools work together. More software comes with the risk of spreading out your data. Disconnected data can cause you to miss the full story of your donors. Make sure your software suite has an integrated hub that brings your data together to give you the full picture.
  3. Make sure you love it. Your software should make your job easier, not harder. That’s why it’s important that you find software that is easy to use and helps you focus more time on your mission.

If you’re interested in exploring more fundraising software options, start with these additional resources:

Schedule a live demo with our partner Bloomerang, and we’ll show you how easy it is to create and automate reports, utilize online and offline fundraising tools, quickly integrate and access all your data, and ultimately create more time to engage your donors.


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